21 Haziran 2010 Pazartesi

Facebook Cafe World Books

"Cafe World Domination" Guide
Exclusively For
Mastering the Game

cafe world domination

This is the original best-selling guide for Cafe World that has been in publication for over two months with THOUSANDS of copies in the hands of Cafe World lovers just like you.

In this exclusive and detailed guide (PDF format) I lay out all the farming secrets I've discovered in my entire time playing Cafe World.

I hold absolutely nothing back! These are the same secret tactics that have made me millions of coins and 'pimped out' my cafe with ease and made me the number one target of the "corrupt" for releasing them.

No Fluff - No Filler - 100% Legal

If you're like me, you've probably seen other guides for sale for Cafe World. Sad to say, I've purchased all of them and they are nothing but filler with minimal tips in between.

And I'm guessing if you've played Café World for more than a day or two you don't need a guide to tell you how to sign up for the game or the difference between cooking and serving, right?

Then why waste your hard-earned money on a big guide that is full of fluff?

Even worse, many guides provide tips or "cheats" (which are actually hacks) that will get your account banned. My strategies are 100% game legal, will not get you banned and never use any sort of third-party software, bots or hacks.

I'll also NEVER ask for any sort of account information from you- giving that out is a quick way to get your account stolen! Can you believe some guide sellers actually ask for that stuff?

Don't fall for those scams!

In the "Café World Domination Guide" I've kept the information compact for your benefit. There is no filler, fluff or space wasted- just all the strategies and tactics you can use to grow your cafe as large and as fast as possible!

Ever wonder why only a few people seem to have a 'blinged out' cafe?

Now YOU can become one of the few as I take you by the hand and guide you page by page as you learn these killer strategies...


Facebook Mafia Wars books

With thousands of hours played, hundreds of people in my Mafia and a year of practice and hard work, I’ve finally released my ultimate guide to becoming the top Godfather in Mafia Wars. This is the guide you’ve been dreaming all about – the epic book of information that will get you to the top in record time.

There’s nothing missing from these pages. You’ll learn everything I know about Mafia Wars – how I built my Mafia, how I dominated my competitors and why so many other Mafias are intent on silencing me.

No Filler, All Useful, Legal Tips

All the other guides out there promise the same information but they’re missing something. They load up on useless filler, telling you how to sign up for Facebook or telling you how to use illegal cheats that will get your game BANNED. Why would you pay money for that?

My guide is written to be 100% Legal and to show you only useful tips that you can use to dominate Mafia Wars. You won’t roll your eyes every other page as I don’t rehash any old information. I get right down to business – showing you what you need to be the best.

Ever wondered why only a few people can reach the top? It’s because you need a singular purpose and my guide gives you that purpose.

Facebook FarmVille books

Dear Future Farmville Tycoon,

f you're sick and tired of running around totally broke while other players get barns and greenhouses and the most expensive villa, this information is for you.

You've probably always wondered why you can't seem to make as much money or level up as fast as the other players in the game.

I used to wonder the same thing. I thought,

"Where are these people making money so fast?"

"Are they buying it on FarmVille?"

"What are they growing and selling?"

So I set out to spy on all the successful players I could find to see just what they did to earn all of their money and to level up so fast.

I spent months using stealth tactics to track high level players everywhere from the forums to adding them and visiting their farms and back.

I discovered just what it was they were doing to make extreme amounts of money- and then improved upon their methods myself and even created amazingly profitable new techniques.

They never suspected a thing, that is, until I started making more money than all of them...If they found out that I spied on them- they would hate me even more!